Aaron Tate - Founder

Dedicated to exploring the confluence of cognitive enhancement, technology, and immersive experiences, I founded MindTrick VR with a vision to revolutionize the virtual realm. With a deep-seated background in game development, data analytics, and cognitive neuroscience, I've consistently sought ways to bridge the gap between theoretical insights and real-world applications. As the driving force behind MindTrick VR, I am committed to creating bio-immersive environments that not only push the boundaries of innovation but also resonate deeply with our users. My experiences, particularly as the Director of Emerging Technology at the Center for BrainHealth, have instilled in me a profound understanding of user engagement in digital platforms. At MindTrick VR, we harness this knowledge to craft experiences that are both groundbreaking and user-centric, ensuring that every virtual journey is both novel and deeply rooted in best practices. Join us as we shape the future of virtual realities, blending art, science, and technology in ways previously unimagined.